As we hit the final month of the year there was quite a lot of flipping from the past to the future in my talks.
- Agreed our retail approach for Hogarth exhibition which includes sending a brief to local artists for bespoke items
- Trained 15 or so people on hte basics of using Trello for task management
- 1:1s with my digital team who are working on breaking down Moved by Conflict, prototyping our digital signage (due April-May), website phase two and more besides
- Researched exhibition charges so that we could agree the charges for Nature, Camera, Action! exhibition
- Met the local arts audience group for a catch up and to meet Ann from Audience Agency who gave us an update on the Audience Finder project. The general vibe is that things have changed and we may need to strike out on our own for the kinds of insights we’ll be needing. Using Audience Finder to meet our finding agreement.
- Explained the new internal room booking system during the all staff meeting which basically uses Outlook calendars
- Reviewed progress with our catering and venue hire partner Levy, going over the finances and issues
- Grabbed a post work drink which is always nice
- Talked Finance and benefits realisation with Kevin from the central service
- Had a progress review of the website phase two project which is coming along nicely
- Partly agreed the budget situation for 2015-16
- Attend the MemoryScapes Tea party at Knowle West Media Centre which was a project to capture memories and objects. The interaction chest was fun.
- Sat in on a meeting with the ops team and Otis to hear about what is needed to get our 1930s good lift back in action. I learned about lifts which is actually a nice mechanical setup
- Attended First Friday meet up hosted by Watershed
- We published two blogs posts about the Hidden museum project – using ibeacons and our first user test