Week 74 at work

Exhausting. IF i ever used our flexi form i’d have to add a new page.

  • Spoke via skype with David Turner who runs Getinvited, the online event booking tool i’m hoping to move from beta phase for our schools bookings
  • Introduced the key performance indicators that I suggest we use across the service
  • Met with our central design and marketing teams to agree our next steps for improving our service identity
  • Made suggestions for using digital in our Ahead of the Curve exhibition – better late than never
  • Attended day four of the leadership and management course
  • Spent lots of time in spreadsheets about budgets
  • Ran a morning session with the digital team about our strategic direction and processes
  • Had a group workshop on tightening up SMART objectives
  • Management team meeting
  • Took lunch with my mum to celebrate her retirement
  • Skype call with Vic H to agree the scope of a digital job i’ll be managing that we hope to advertise ready for April start
  • Met with Bristol and Bath tourism group

Next week i’ll focus on our Hidden museum project, meeting community partners and completing our Arts Council december deadline.

Week 73 at work


  • Ran a full day workshop for the SWFED called ‘An introduction to digital media on the web’
  • Reviewed our latest Hidden Museum sprint 6
  • Reviewed student project people tracker from team CSPD
  • Agreed how to improve our Birds and Mammals gallery on the first floor of Bristol Museum & Art Gallery
  • Decided how we’d revise and improve our proposed equalities action plan for 2015-18
  • Spoke with Jon Walker from Tyne and Wear Museum about retail and spreadsheets
  • Did a handover with Ray to now line manage the documentation team. Now we’re part of the transformation group together which I hope will mean some great cross service collaboration
  • Made a plan to go digital by default for schools bookings
  • Reviewed the 2015-18 proposals for new exhibitions
  • Met with Lucy and Barney to see what opportunities lay ahead for us working together
  • Agreed next steps for developing the offer of our historic houses
  • Took some time with Ray to agree how to tidy up the much feared and messy shared service drive for information
  • Met our in-house build team who I now also manage to hear how they work and how we’ll work together
  • Received a bunch of children to help us develop our hidden museum project as part of Museum Takeover day
  • Met local arts orgs to see how we can work better together

Week 72 at work

Looking like a busy run through to the new year. This week I:

  • Briefed our front of house staff about what’s new in the service – ibeacons, wifi and training
  • Kicked off our Hogarth exhibition digital ideas
  • Interviewed for an internal post
  • Attended day two of the BCC leadership course
  • Took some time to review ideas for digital on-site
  • Management team meeting
  • Wrote the workshop i’ll be running next week and then hopefully on a regular basis
  • Adjusted by calendar so block out the entire afternoon each day for 2015 in an effort to hold meetings to the morning

Week 71 at work

Boo hiss to the end of work always being dark i say. This week was fun as I blocked whole days for one activity:

  • Reviewed sprint 4 of our Hidden Museum project at Aardman office
  • Attended day one of Bristol City Council leadership and management course. I STILL don’t like to call people resources
  • Service wide meeting in which the network went down
  • Management team project sign off meeting. We moved to using my project proposal template as a way to initially document and judge all projects. Nobody likes forms but I don’t like saying no so this is your best shot to avoid that
  • Discussed a programme of work called ‘Our museum’
  • Reviewed plans for improving the birds and mammals gallery
  • Agreed next steps for the learning team’s web resources
  • Attended #drinkingaboutmuseums on the river Thames Thursday evening
  • Attended UKMW14 at the Natural History Museum

Week 70 at work

Good week.

  • Did an overview with Lauren about how we use digital tools to help us work together as a team
  • Reviewed an idea about using online training for embedding Our Museum and decided to focus elsewhere – i’ve seen so many online communities die I had other suggestions
  • Management meeting
  • Waved farewell to Kerrie who now goes on maternity leave
  • Met our first group taking part in our Student as Producer programme for 2014/15 in which they’ll be seeing if they can build a way to count people into each gallery using sensors and visualise in fun ways
  • Attended 300 seconds to hear new speakers
  • Contributed to Arts Council England digital reference group
  • Learnt how to conduct an exit survey with Fay at the helm
  • Interviewed for my own job which I got whoop which now officially makes me Head of Digital
  • Alistair Reid, our new Service Director did a good meet and group with us
  • Spoke at Smarter rather than harder: Getting digital to deliver at RAMM – great event