Week 87 at work


  • Reviewed what data we collect across the service so that we can implement better performance measurement. Fay did a great job of bringing this together so that we can use a KPI benchmark spreadsheet for staff and our partners Birmingham and Tyne and Wear.
  • Hosted Peter Holloway for his second retail diagnostic visit. We still have posters from the 1980 in stock…
  • Marketing catch up
  • Met my student as producer group to see their visitor counter prototype again which looks slick
  • Toured The Bottle Yard Studios to find out what goes on
  • Visited Exeter to join the South West creative forum quarterly session. Heard about two projects and the upcoming No Boundaries conference
  • Sat with Rosie from Visitor services to see how our teams can better work together
  • Workshop session with fffunction and the learning team to plan improves to their web offer, including online booking.
  • Chopped it up with Claire from Situations about my role, their work and working together

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