Basecamp free returns for managing a project

I’ve used Basecamp since at least 2013. Basecamp is an online tool for managing projects. I’ve personally used it for both enterprise organisation wide usage and freelance/consultancy. New for 2025 is the return of a free tier for managing one project at a time. This is good because it helps you try it without any cost.


Culture and Heritage Capital: Monetising the impact of culture and heritage on health and wellbeing

in December 2024 new Research to understand and monetise the impact of engagement with culture and heritage on health and wellbeing.

Read the research

Reading list 2025

I like reading. Every year I keep a list of “books” I read or listen to. Check out my previous years too.

Completing a whole task

As a I type, I have 163 tasks to review and/or complete. It is tempting to rattle through the list and choose a juicy one. Start 2-3 easy ones. Instead I am going to force myself to complete a whole task. Then do the same with the next one. Quiet progress step by step, one by one.

Charles Handy obituary: corporate philosopher and author

Maverick management guru whose strategy was to spend 100 days a year earning, 100 days writing and 100 days on fun, with the rest spent on volunteering

Stay curious

I get asked a lot how I got to become Co-CEO. On the things I can control, I say it’s because I stay curious.

At 16 during my first job at Burger King I wanted to find out how a BK makes money and the manager showed me. Years later that understanding is something I often replay.

I am curious about other people’s life’s, jobs and interests. Often to discover I am not personally interested about what their interested in and vice versa. Being curious doesn’t mean you have to love the topic. Learn just enough to file it away for a future moment.

Most recently I was curious about how train tracks work, remembering how fibre optics work, key moments in art history, Nick from British museum Wikipedia entry and child poverty.

Wikipedia is a great place to start. Followed by YouTube, podcasts, interviews, books and good old fashioned getting in touch.

im curious about what I’ll be curious about next.

Farewell delicious

I can’t understate how important delicious to my early years on the web. Also during university I had an idea around the same time for such a service so I sometimes dream what if.