Week 38 at work

This week was tiring and well over those 37 hours:

  • Attended the Council budget training for the second time – the user experience and user interface are so poor that please note ‘user acceptance testing’ is not the same as user testing from the beginning
  • Met up with a local business wanting to pitch us selling audio services
  • Showed our new website progress to the central comms team and got some helpful tips
  • Spent A LOT of time on our Nesta Digital r and d application only for the website to crash on submission day. A HUGE thanks to Gail Boyle for carrying me to the finish line
  • Met with fffunction to get a first peek at the website visual design
  • Spoke on Thursday evening at museumshowoff
  • Discussed what the next steps were for the British empire and commonwealth collection from a digital view

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