- Ran a full day workshop for the SWFED called ‘An introduction to digital media on the web’
- Reviewed our latest Hidden Museum sprint 6
- Reviewed student project people tracker from team CSPD
- Agreed how to improve our Birds and Mammals gallery on the first floor of Bristol Museum & Art Gallery
- Decided how we’d revise and improve our proposed equalities action plan for 2015-18
- Spoke with Jon Walker from Tyne and Wear Museum about retail and spreadsheets
- Did a handover with Ray to now line manage the documentation team. Now we’re part of the transformation group together which I hope will mean some great cross service collaboration
- Made a plan to go digital by default for schools bookings
- Reviewed the 2015-18 proposals for new exhibitions
- Met with Lucy and Barney to see what opportunities lay ahead for us working together
- Agreed next steps for developing the offer of our historic houses
- Took some time with Ray to agree how to tidy up the much feared and messy shared service drive for information
- Met our in-house build team who I now also manage to hear how they work and how we’ll work together
- Received a bunch of children to help us develop our hidden museum project as part of Museum Takeover day
- Met local arts orgs to see how we can work better together