My computer Setup

Professionally I’m normally referred to as the “IT guy” and people often think i have every new gadget. Yet the truth is that I own relatively few toys, preferring tools that I will use loads and are value for money. I REALLY fear buying a device or tool that proves to be useless and effectively a waste of cash.  I started to list my items and figured I may as well share them here. Interestingly in recent months i’ve been spying on friends and family gadget collection and i’m really average and far behind true nerds!


  • 2.4 GHz macbook with 8GB RAM (secondhand but from 2011? used to replace the below)
  • 2.4 GHz macbook with 4GB RAM (2009) that I now keep at work to get things done when I hit the IT services wall on occasion!
  • Raspberry Pi – affordable computer that I tinker with
  • Kindle Paperwhite – for reading ebooks and looong reports
  • Kobo touch
  • HTC One X mobile phone
  • Nike running watch and heart rate monitor
  • Nexus 7 tablet
  • Apple iPad 1 (secondhand) for testing

Software and tools

  • VLC Media Player – used to watch all videos
  • Mozilla Firefox Browser (my browser of choice for the addons – screengrab, Web developer toolbar, firebug, )
  • Google Chrome Browser – used for testing
  • Filezilla FTP – transfer web content
  • Coda 2 – code editor
  • 1password – for managing all my passwords and serial numbers and ESSENTIAL
  • Spotify – useful for streaming music
  • DoubleTwist – music sync for Android
  • evernote – for writing and storing personal and work notes
  • Trello – used for all my to-do lists

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