Week 40 at work

This week was I got up to:

  • Explored research collaboration with University of Bath – if anybody has £8,000 kicking around to give us to have a PhD student you know where to find me!
  • Ran a 30min introduction to using twitter for Natural Sciences. It’s important we give the keys to our social efforts to the curators and I look forward to what they cook up
  • Discovered which path of “accountability” I need to tread to use various online services
  • Met with two of our student groups to have a demo of their projects. I was blown away by their progress and both could be used as they are quite nicely
  • Sat with our exhibition designer Simon to see what contribution our team needs to make for Moved by Conflict which opens in October.
  • Gave an update to the wider management team about the new website and using online tools for managing projects
  • Found out i’m very curious about records management
  • I’ll be contributing to a HLF digital bid we hope to put in – funny as I co-wrote the digital guidance back in 2012 and now i’m on the other side of the desk
  • Reviewed some tenders
  • Discussed with two curators about how we can blog and use our tools to build interest for an exhibition next year
  • Started to think aloud about our content strategy

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