Week 25

Most folks were wrapping up for the year this week and our director is off to Sunny Australia. The focus was ensuring I had agreements and sign-off from anybody who wouldn’t be around during the holidays.

  • I spent a fair chunk of the week at the Bristol Records Office as two of the team are there and it is usual a good quiet place to do planning. The highlight here was exploring our building plans collection which we hope will form a great digital HLF proposal
  • During the final management team meeting I think we came away with a consensus  about our direction of travel as a service
  • I met the folks of Bristol Regional Environmental Records Centre (BRERC) and we had a chat about improving their website and general IT infrastructure requirements
  • Moved the Commonwealthonline website back to our server as part of my retiring costly service agreements with third parties
  • Mark P gave me a demo of his solution of using Dropbox to run daily updates to our Egypt gallery. One step closer to decommissioning that server, Hurrah.
  • Continued to work on the Nesta bid with Aardman
  • Spoke via the magic of Skype with a group of museum types about delivering training for the South West
  • Got the green light to host two events in 2014 for local gov and museum digital types
  • We finally got two TVs setup at our main site which we’ll be using for way finding and whats on type information for the public
  • Got the green light to run the discovery and Alpha phases of our website improvement project – web design agencies can holla until 6th January
  • prepared a service wide plan of attack for the digital strategy which now needs to go out to the teams for feedback and refinement