Week 24

Although the end of the calendar year is nearly upon us I have been looking at the financial year as my ‘North star’ so no mad rushing over here to complete projects before Christmas.

  • Me and the team spent about half a day looking at the high level (50,000 ft in David Allen GTD speak) activity for 2014. Much of our thinking is looking at where we want to position ourselves for 2015-2018 which is the duration of the next Arts Council funding stream
  • I took yet another stab at online shops. Running an online shop is the easy part. Trying to resolve payments and syncing to our finance system is soul-destroying. The Council just isn’t able to be responsive so I’m looking at how we can go around this rock-block
  • I met with aardman  to see if we can collaborate on a research and development project in 2014 so watch this space
  • Played good cop, bad cop for an introduction to social media session
  • Chopped it up with Martin P about how our service could engage with wikimedians. The only issue is that of the creative commons licensing which needs to allow commercial use. I hope that the trend of others embracing the ‘share-alike’ mindset will win over our service
  • Budget forecasting – monthly reminder of how much time can be wasted with a poor user interface
  • Agreed in principle to run some digital training for the service and to extend to other South West teams and services
  • Agreed what our digitisation focus will be for 2014. We’ll be concentrating on transferring magnetic tapes and moving a large collection from a legacy system
  • Had a planning session with the learning team about their website requirements
  • Discussed Enterprise
  • Finished up the week seeing the first working prototype of Team Eclair’s student project. They are using a world map and timeline approach to displaying our collection and i’m now very excited about where this may lead us

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