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It was fantastic to be in Plymouth again this year for the 6th Plymouth e-learning Conference. For a full run down check out Steve Wheeler’s blog.
After last years great event I was pleasantly surprised to be asked to be on the steering committee to give my 2p worth of thoughts which made me even keener to attend!
There are a whole bunch of conferences and events and what makes this stand out is twofold: great people and a diverse collection of talks.
The people
From the moment of landing in Plymouth by way of train I met follow #pelc11 gang members old and new which really I cannot stress enough is a highlight for me. Everybody is so open to geeking out whilst still gabbing on about personal interests that it really didn’t feel like work.
New folk who’s blogs, tweets and projects I look forward to include: @t3h_pablohunny, @andyjb, @Marie_S , @CraigTaylor74, @janeseale, @ethinking and @doctrus
As you’d imagine a special shout out goe’s to Steve Wheeler for being an excellent host and helping to bring the event to life.
Talking points
Unlike some events where my ‘stand’ prevents me from attending sessions, I was able to enjoy a talk per session. Highlights include Andy Black’s session on mobile and Matt Lingard’s session on writing for the web.
My session, in the photo above with with Doug Belshaw and went down very well according to the kind comments after the session. We got folk to consider their own uses of mobile which allowed the session to fork between topics nicely. In addition to this session I was chair for a enjoyable session.
I love the people and the chat that happens in and around sessions that you just don’t get at enough conferences so roll on 2012.
Oh and I got to revisit my student days with a Goodbody’s breakfast at stupid O’clock.