Week 43 at work

With the bank holiday it was a four day week in which I mentioned to:

  • Planning how we’ll progress our service delivery strategy with the Arts Council Audience segments at the heart – which of the 13 choices would you be?
  • Contributed to an expression of interest for the Heritage Lottery Fund
  • Reviewed our reporting and evaluation methods with Fay and have a new direction, particularly in light of losing a member of staff to voluntary severance
  • Reviewed our existing Marketing and Branding efforts and began to look at how ‘digital’ will begin to affect our plans
  • Received my six month personal review  which the Council call a PMDS and got twos and threes (three is two thumbs up)
  • Announced that our website phase one soft launch will be Thursday 8th May and the official launch is Thursday 15th May.
  • Planned how we’d achieve going live on the 15th by breaking the tasks into weekly sprints
  • Showed off our beta website prototype to the central design team and web communications. Tony is a great sounding board for my ideas and time will tell if our logo style navigation is right or wrong!

I’d also now like to plug the Museums Get Mobile Conference that I’m hosting – come along on Friday the 16th May AND/OR come out for a drink on the Thursday evening!

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