This was a week when I really noticed the lost of staff through voluntary severance. More is more and less is less.
- workshop all day about enterprise and resilience with Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery and Tyne and Wear Archives and museum
- meeting in London (Imperial War Museum) on behalf of my director at the National Museum Directors’ Council about the European Union legislation on reuse of Public Sector Information
- announced our £125,000 Digital R&D fund for the Arts project called ‘The Hidden Museum’ with partners Aardman and the University of Bristol – ibeacons, sensors and new ways to engage audiences.
- interviewed internally for a temp post with the South West Museum Development team
- audience development strategy writing
- agreed to step in at next weeks Museum Association conference to talk in a panel type session about our website with Martin Bazley
- found out we’ll have a new director in Jan 2015 – my third in less than 18 months!